“Tasty and fun to make delicious action food recipes”

There are many kinds of action food to choose from, and it is easy to obtain, but doing it yourself will not only increase the fun, but also gather the ingredients you love.
It is also very happy to enjoy it on the mountain or share it with mountain friends. In addition, the advantage of self-made is that it does not add artificial additives, and can eat healthy;
It can also adjust the calories of each grain, and choose according to the schedule. If a food dryer is used, the weight of the mobile food can be greatly reduced.

This time we will introduce 4 kinds of action food spectrum:

Recipe 01. Homemade dried apples and pineapples

Recipe 02. Homemade Sushi Roll with Pork Floss and Egg

Recipe 03. Homemade Banana Walnut Pound Cake

Recipe 04. Homemade Energy Bar Energy Bar

(Picture. Hands-on action food)


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