From the freedom of mountaineering to how to implement self-discipline in mountaineering

The cultivation of mountaineering self-discipline requires the inclusiveness of the external environment, so that the elasticity of learning adaptation leads to true self-discipline. But if the learning process results in serious damage to the public interest,

Or cause unstoppable harm to the environment, the community may not be able to bear the excessive cost of learning, so it also needs “the help of other laws.”

The Beginning of Mountaineering Self-Regulation – Mountaineering Society

In the 1990s, continuing the concept of national security during Taiwan’s martial law period, applications for entry to the mountains required a guide certificate, community or school documents, when the network was not yet developed, information access is not easy,

Mountaineering societies play an important role in route information and technical heritage, and the development of mountaineering activities needs to be promoted through community platforms.

Through the constitution, the leader code, the guide meeting, the stay-at-the-meeting, the climbing classroom and so on, the association forms internal constraints on the team-starter,

It also ensures the safety and quality of activities. Mountaineering associations through mutual assistance, the establishment of a national search and rescue community, so that mountaineering associations have basic mountain difficulties.

In the event of a mountain disaster, the community can help itself or ask the government for help. Therefore, the safety self-discipline of early Taiwan mountaineering was achieved through “community self-discipline”.

In 1996, Taiwan opened the presidential election, the society gradually moved towards freedom and opening up, coupled with the rapid development of the Internet, mobile phones, under the impact of democracy and rapid development of information,

Freedom and pluralism have become a social trend. Under this trend, the control of entry into the mountains has become “reporting” to the mountains, and the restrictions on guide certificates and community documents have been lifted and the “team self-discipline” has been fully returned.

However, the dominant position of the traditional mountaineering community is gradually lost under the tide of easy access to information and the rise of the Internet community. In the process of moving towards individual climbing freedom, the traditional mountaineering “community self-discipline” also slowly fades out of the stage.

Self-discipline and responsibility of mountaineers

Without the constraints of community self-discipline, individuals can be freer, but security guarantees fall on themselves. In a complex and varied mountain environment,

In the case of inadequate support, to conceit security is a certain degree of difficulty, so we turn our attention to the Government, think that the people pay taxes,

The government should have the responsibility to guarantee the safety of the climb. Under the framework of our country’s constitutional right to freedom and the right to exist, the government does have the responsibility to assist in mountain search and rescue.

In the government, personal safety responsibility line has not yet been clarified, the mountain difficulties of officials, people disputes, and finally to the local government to develop mountaineering management norms to control the mountain climbing end.

From the government’s point of view, mountain difficulties should be properly constrained by the cost of national resources;

Fortunately, in the platform of the Mountaineering Seminar, the Government and the private sector have the opportunity to emphasize the responsibility of the Government through rational dialogue and understanding,

It is important to emphasize the self-discipline responsibility of climbers, who must assume a certain degree of safety responsibility within the framework of the limited responsibilities of the Government.

At the same time, there should be supporting mechanisms such as: insurance, third-party stay-at-hand, mountain difficulties SOP, mountaineering education and other measures, mountaineering self-discipline can be truly implemented. After a long dialogue between officials and the people,

Finally ushered in a new stage: the Executive Council held a press conference on October 21, 2019 to declare “open mountain forests, pay tribute to the mountains”, with full opening, facilities and services, safety and self-discipline, education and popularization as the core values of mountaineering policy.

(The Executive Council held a press conference at 108.10.21 to announce the policy of opening up the mountain forest, and Mr. Cai and Wen spoke on behalf of the people on stage)

(The declaration of the open mountain forest policy includes self-discipline of mountaineering)

The value of self-discipline in mountaineering – the implementation of real freedom of mountaineering

The policy of opening up mountain forest has given mountaineering a new opportunity for development, but the policy of opening up mountain forest must be based on self-discipline of mountaineering in order to develop steadily.

The question is, is it useful to talk about “climbing self-discipline”? Many people think that self-discipline is only a moral declaration, has no specific role, human behavior needs to be managed,

Can not only slogans, there must be specific management measures, otherwise it will be chaos… Therefore, in the handling of mountaineering safety issues, often in the control and freedom between the 盪,

Coupled with the fact that mountaineering topics not only stop at mountaineering safety, the field of mountaineering overlaps with about conservation, indigenous traditional areas, other types of activities, etc.

There will also be competition issues in the exercise of the right to use the field. As far as the general mentality is concerned, it is usually the hope that the government will manage others in pursuit of their own freedom;

However, even in government, management requires costs, how much are we willing to pay to manage? Once the cost of management exceeds the government’s load of energy,

Management effectiveness is bound to be unbalanced, “restriction of freedom” will become the only option for the government, but anti-blocking control measures in the development of society in multiple values, the implementation of more and more difficult;

Self-discipline is the most low-cost behavior management model, if we can provide the incentive of self-discipline in mountaineering, from the perspective of human nature, may allow mountaineering self-discipline development, access to appropriate development. So why does mountaineering require self-discipline?

In the short term is to get climbing safety, in the long run is to make mountaineering activities more free and happy! The orientation of mountaineering self-discipline includes environmental self-discipline, safety self-discipline,

It plays a key role in defining the relationship between man and nature, government and individual responsibility. Simply put, self-discipline is the foundation of mountaineering freedom. and “familiar people” in “familiar environments”,

Climbing in a “familiar way” is the easiest and happiest mode of climbing, but the mountain is everyone’s, and in the face of conflicts of rights there is also a “familiar consultation” model, then climbers will be able to retain the freedom of small groups,

At the same time can coexist harmoniously with the natural environment and social environment, which is the core goal of mountaineering self-discipline! Because of familiarity, reduce adaptation, can allow themselves to have a more complete extension.

(Climbing with familiar partners is a pleasant thing to do!) )

How do climbers achieve self-discipline?

I’m afraid it’s not feasible to use a code or legal code to achieve self-discipline. For a novice, he needs to adapt to the environment, need to learn mountain skills or lifestyle;

For an old hand, he needs to face the changing mountaineering culture, but also face the adaptation and learning. Secondly, different generations because of the study process, the different stages of life, will also create the heterogeneity of mountaineering culture.

Therefore, to require everyone with the same criteria, problems inevitably arise and extend the need for external forces to manage constraints. If a rule needs to be achieved through external constraints,

It is essentially “his law” rather than self-discipline. Self-discipline is a way of adapting to the external environment, with the aim of having the right to be free of the individual, that is, to pursue one’s own goals in the areas in which you own them.

Mountaineering self-discipline must be achieved through “learning”, through the formation of national education is the best way, but mountain education has not yet been fully developed, busy modern people can use the study time is also limited, coupled with the concept of mountaineering diversification after the lack of integrated discussion basis, the development of mountaineering self-discipline needs the inclusive external environment, so that the flexibility of learning adaptation to guide real self-discipline;

  Step 1: Define the boundaries of his law in order to develop self-discipline

The essence of self-discipline is self-responsibility, but the mountain environment is a public domain, in addition to the right to climb there are other legal benefits, for the “specific area” access, the Government still has a regulatory responsibility, for the use of mountaineering services, the Government must also provide the necessary management to maintain appropriate utilization order. The scope of government management involves the operation of public power and the application of social costs, so it is necessary to define the “appropriate and necessary” management category and concentrate resources on key and important matters. Government responsibility should be returned to the scope defined by law to administer according to law, in the choice of law enforcement means, should abide by the “proportional principle”, for important matters to be strictly controlled, non-essential matters should be education, advocacy, reward and assistance to guide mountaineers self-discipline. With his legal boundaries clear, the Government can relieve itself of unnecessary control responsibilities and enhance the efficiency of important control matters.

  Step 2: Enrich the connotation of self-discipline in mountaineering, and guide self-discipline with mountaineering declaration

Mountaineering self-discipline is to pursue the freedom of mountaineering, in their own areas to pursue their own goals, so the pursuit of mountaineers, not only stop at the basic safety needs, but also related to the needs of the development of personality. What should self-discipline be? Compared with the hard legal form of his law, self-discipline is a soft agreement, closer to the form of the Declaration. Mountaineering Declaration represents the basic understanding and attitude of mountaineers to mountaineering, mountaineering related matters can be obtained in the declaration of the reference of behavior, mountaineering declaration is the consensus among climbers, but also the spiritual constitution of mountaineers. Mountaineering Declaration is the soul of mountaineering self-discipline, connecting social ethics and environmental ethics upward, and on this basis, it is implemented into the details of mountaineering knowledge, skills and mountaineering practice, and forms a complete self-discipline system for mountaineering.

  Step 3: Construct a clear self-discipline entry path with the official version of mountaineering instructions

Complex rules and deep mountaineering declarations are hard for a new climber or someone who hasn’t climbed a mountain for a long time. It is appropriate to have a simple way to get started, quickly guide to the appropriate level and re-cultivate self-discipline. The Sports Department of the Ministry of Education, as the competent authority for mountaineering, is also an educational unit, if the competent authorities regularly provide information on mountaineering each year, the relevant norms of the mountain area, the use of service facilities norms, mountaineering declaration and its important details of the project together, as a unified basic content of mountaineering education, so that all kinds of teaching materials in the preparation of a common basis, and regularly in accordance with the development of social, mountaineering practice update content.

(Teamwork is the best way to deal with environmental risks.) )

(Service facilities such as mountain houses have the characteristics of scarce resources, in the use must have certain norms, to promote the self-discipline of climbers to use.) )


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